A Junk Drawer Domain

The best way to get around having a million little project-specific domains is to have a junk-drawer domain and cram it full of as many subdomains as your registrar would allow.

Archivum Wisteria

The Archivum Wisteria is the official repository of all information pertaining to the Wisteria TTRPG Setting. Wisteria is a Fantasy-Realism setting suitable for use with most common medieval fantasy TTRPG engines, principally developed for the TarnishedTale Ruleset and Pathfinder 1st Edition, with ongoing work to update that to Second Edition and to add support for DnD 5e. Except as noted, most races, equipment, and items referenced for the setting should use your system’s defaults, mechanically; this setting material is largely concerned with flavour and worldbuilding rather than designing engines from whole cloth.

Encyclopedia Royica

The Encyclopedia Royica is the official repository of all information pertaining to the Star Empire of Galba Roy RPG Setting. The Star-Empire is a Vernian Science-Fantasy setting suitable for use with any appropriately-open engines, principally developed for the TarnishedTale Ruleset. Unfortunately the wiki was inappropriately migrated and is missing a fair amount of its former detail at the time of writing.

ZAXA History of Aerospace Wiki

ZAXA is a personal playthrough of Kerbal Space Program’s vanilla sandbox game with a limited number of mods, in the spirit of a model railway in space! The save file is kept available for others to download, but the primary purpose of the wiki is to act as an in-universe documentation set for the spacecraft, missions, and projects of the playthrough.

Lorica Database

The Lorica Database is the official setting guide of all information pertaining to the Lorica RPG Setting. The universe of Lorica is a military science-fantasy setting suitable for use with any appropriately-open engines, principally developed for the TarnishedTale Ruleset, and for a currently-hypothetical tactical RPG. Owing to the large number of extant political factions, the setting is named for its principal contemporary military technology, Lorica, a Mecha standard, which also has civilian applications. It has three principle eras of concern; the Third World War, the Martian Conflict, and the Solar Era.

Tarnished Tale TTRPG

Tarnished Tale is an attempt to create a genre-agnostic, narrative-driven TTRPG engine based on mechanics stolen in magpie-like fashion from games like Call of Cthulhu 7e, Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e and 5e, and a countless host of existing MUDs, for which it was originally intended to be used. The game has a GURPs-like attitude toward rules, defining a core ruleset and then expanding it with additional “modular” rulesets for things like magic, high technology, and so on.

Howl Basin

A furry-flavoured Weird Western campaign setting intended for use directly with the Tarnished Tale TTRPG. Howl Basin is a mostly-wild region full of dense forests, golden plains, arid badlands, and river valleys, hemmed in on three sides by the Howling Herald Mountains and along its west by the Golden Sea. Historically a wild frontier, Howl Basin, in whole, is largely becoming increasingly settled by the Folks, varying cultures who are all trying to fulfill the promise of a better world in their own, specific ways. The Landfolk, Eyriefolk, Packfolk and Hivefolk are all trying to create their own new heartlands - at once in competition and cooperation with each other, while the more enigmatic Woodfolk, Mountainfolk and Seafolk seem content to live at the fringes of the burgeoning Howl Basin society.

Stellarchs of the Tarnished Skies

Stellarchs of the Tarnished Skies is a techno-fantasy campaign setting and prototype environment for the TarnishedTale TTRPG engine. Envisioning a world of airships, high-handed pirates, and astrological magic, the setting presents game masters with a backdrop for court intrigue, high militarism, swashbuckling, dungeon delving, and sorcery in the world of Colmeris, a fantastic world ripped asunder by The Ancient Breaking, leaving its continents and islands adrift through seemingly limitless skies.

The Chain-Breakers

The Chain Breakers universe is an alternate-history futurism game with cyberpunk themes, set in a latter 21st century that is very different from the likely path we’d expect. The game was principally developed to be played using the Tarnished Tale TTRPG Ruleset. Owing to the Forced Hand Incident, the Latter 20th Century played out differently to the universe players will be accustomed to. This has created a world of high technology haves and have-nots governed by motives most players would recognize as inappropriate and created tension between the ruling Megacorporations and an increasingly large and rebellious working class, the eponymous Chain Breakers. The setting therefore largely focuses on three eras - the Game of Stakes, the Slow Burn aftermath of the Forced Hand Incident, and the Corporate Wars in the late 21st century, with the latter being the period favoured for routine gameplay.

Fallout: New Brunswick

While the brunt of the global destruction of the Great War was born by the Lower 48, the US Annexation of Canada nevertheless made it a target of nuclear annihilation. Given that it contained the Pre-Annexation Canada’s Largest Army Base, perhaps this is no small surprise. In the years that have followed the Akkadie Wasteland has taken on new life as surviving Vault Dwellers, Pointers, Loyalists, and other independant survivor factions take back the surface, its rolling hills, forests, and rivers from the devastation of the Great War. Of late, the arrival of the Northeastern Brotherhood of Steel has stirred up conflict, given their investigation of certain pre-War sites, and interference with communities in the region.